Join Toni from Digital Circus as she takes you through ideas, tips, tricks, and tools to
integrate Google Workspace into your classroom programmes.
These webinars were recorded live in Term 1 2022
You can watch them below
WEBINAR 1: Start your year off with Google Workspace
In this webinar, you'll learn some quick and easy start of the year activities to get your students more digitally fluent with Google Workspace as well as some great tips and tricks to set your students up for successful year in the digi world!
This webinar suits kaiako
of years 4-9.
WEBINAR 2: Build Digital Citizenship with Google's BE INTERNET AWESOME
In this webinar, you'll learn about Google's BE INTERNET AWESOME digital citizenship programme. We will explore the resource and learn some tips, tricks and best practice for using it with your students!
This webinar suits kaiako of
years 4-9.
WEBINAR 3: Deep dive into the magic of Google Slides
In this webinar, you'll learn how to use Google Slides to inspire, create and innovate integrated and engaging projects with students. We will cover pick a path stories, collaborative writing, quizzes and the latest and greatest add ons to take Slides to the next level!
This webinar suits kaiako of
years 5-9.
Meet Toni
Toni is an educator passionate about future focused learning and all things digital. She brings teaching experience from years 1-6 and has held Senior management and Digital teaching and learning leadership roles. Toni is a lifelong learner having completed a Post-graduate Certificate and a Masters specialising in Digital Professional Development. She enjoys developing teacher knowledge with a hands-on approach and supporting teachers to build on what they already do in their classrooms. Toni is General Manager, Team Leader of our Facilitation team, and our digital marketing co-ordinator.
Questions? Email Toni
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